I'm so glad to be sharing this with you today- I loved how this project turned out:)
That's me feeling chuffed after finishing these at O dark thirty one night...and yes, I am often running around in one of Ricky's old shirts, sans maekup these days...sigh.
So, after scrounging online for specifics on dimensions/materials/design for rice pillows, I came to the conclusion that this is based on personal preference:) So, I chose a natural linen for the pillow and then made a removable cover from cotton &/or flannel.
There were ALL kinds of contradicting info on what to use as a filler too- I chose rice with the condition that I kept it in the freezer for 3 wks before using and recommended to recipients to store their pillows in the freezer, avoiding any potential 'bug' issues. The filler can be scented with essential oils but I opted not to- the 'naked' rice evokes a nuttiness when warmed that I find quite pleasant and also keeps it neutral:)
First I made a small "boo boo" pillow for dear friend, Sylvia and found a funnel very helpful for filling approx 3/4 full; I didn't notate my dimensions for this (surprise, surprise!) but I believe it was approx 5x7 inches (minus seam allowances).

Then I set out to make neck pillows for Granddaddy & Chef Timmy, approx 16x6 (minus seam allowances)- I made the pillow the same size as the cover and had no problem fitting them together, as I wanted a snug fit:)
For the neck pillows, I filled just 2/3 so the rice could spread & conform more comfortably:)
For Chef Timmy's pillow, I got very creative and made one side cotton and the other flannel. This seemed appropriate since the pillow can be used for hot or cold therapy! Flannel for the hot and cotton for the cold...we'll see if he can figure that out:)
This lovely polka dot cotton print is one of the fat quarters from the Stampin' Up! Essentials Designer set and it matched my random flannel plaid beautifully!
There are lots of tutorials online for this project- I found this one helpful:)
These therapy pillows make lovely gifts and can be made in countless shapes & sizes- have fun!
Thanks for looking,
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