So, one of the trends appearing all over are boots with fur cuffs- they've been growing on me, alas the price tags are not (especially for something so permanent)...
...enter DIY faux fur cuffs!
These were fun & relatively quick- I say relatively as it will depend on the faux fur you choose. Something closer to a shearling won't fray much- my fur was molting quite badly thus I added some extra hand stitching so I wouldn't leave a trail wherever I walked!
I loosely followed this tutorial with, of course, a few tweaks & added the hemming with bias tape step from this tutorial:)
- I didn't have any freezer paper for tracing my pattern so I used wax paper (not ideal!).
- I hand sewed the hems (lengthwise) on each cuff due to the molting factor- really glad I took the time!
As usual, I was working on this at night while watching a Christmas movie, hence my tired & messy hand stitching- it won't show though, so no matter. I didn't even have appropriate bias/hem tape on hand- oh well. No one will know...except you:)
Let me know if you have any questions & let me know if you try this too:)
This is ingenious! I love the width of the cuff--very trendy and totally changes the look of the boot.