
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Bathroom Renovation...

And home renovation continues with the kid's bathroom, the only other room (besides the kitchen) adulterated with wall paper:(

Yesterday evening I put my little Ms to sleep and after a long & productive day, they fell asleep quickly, allowing me to tackle another project before bed...

...I walked by their bathroom and glared at the offending rose colored wall paper, again, and decided to have a go at peeling some away...

...well, it came off easily so I just kept peeling!  And 45 minutes later, I had all the paper down, save a few trouble spots that my growing bump wouldn't allow me to reach safely!

"Ricky" walked in from work as I was finishing and gallantly cleaned up the mess- yeah, he's a keeper:)

And so now, I'm deciding what to do on these now blank walls...texture & paint?  Re- wallpaper?  Decisions, decisions....

I would like to add some bead board and create a subtle beachy theme, focusing on lots of neutrals and some aqua accents, thereby keeping it relaxing & guest friendly- I'm not a fan of Dr. Seuss bathrooms shared by guests...but that's just me!

With the umpteen other projects going, this room might be put on the back burner but at least there is no more rose colored paper on the walls!  Another successful DIY attempt:)

Stay tuned tomorrow to check out some DIY photo canvases that I just completed:)


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